SUNGAI WATCH, a new video series all about rivers

For the last 4 months, our Bali team has been piloting various trash barriers catered towards rivers in Tibubeneng, South Bali in our mission to clean up our rivers in Bali. And we want to bring you with us every step of the way! So we have decided to create a weekly show, releasing an episode every Saturday, documenting our journey and progress. Tune in every Saturday evening at 8PM (Bali time / GMT+8).

In this first episode of Sungai Watch, we take you on our daily operations of cleaning one of our trash barrier systems as well as separate the trash that we collected.


One of the biggest problems with plastic pollution is the lack of data available. Especially when it comes to what type of plastic is ending up in our ocean. And if we want companies to change the plastics that they use in their packaging, we need to give them numbers. With Sungai Watch, our goal is to do just that. We collect the trash from our trash barriers daily and then separate what we collect into different types of plastics.

From the few weeks that we have been in the field, our initial observations are:
- PLASTIC CUPS: most collected recyclable item (in amount)
- PLASTIC BAGS: most collected item (in weight)
- STYROFOAM: makes up 4% of the river waste we collect
- PLASTIC BOTTLES: we collect roughly 26 plastic bottles / day (from our 3 pilot solutions)
- SANDALS: we have been finding more left feet sandals than right feet sandals
- BEVERAGE CARTONS: the two most common collected brands are TehBotol and Teh Kotak

Tune in next week for another episode of SUNGAI WATCH.

Gary Bencheghib