Clean Rivers = a Clean Ocean

In this episode of Sungai Watch, we learn about the importance of clean rivers in celebration of World Water Day. Did you know that rivers are the biggest source of clean water, from the bottle and tap water that we drink to the water that we use in our bathrooms to shower?

To learn more about clean rivers, we decided to track back the source of the first river that we decided to protect in the slopes of Batu Karu (one of Bali’s iconic mountains). We got there and as expected, there were no pesticides, no animal agriculture, no toxic waste from factories and definitely no plastic pollution. We then compared a water sample from the source of the river to a sample collected by one of our TrashBoom systems at the river’s mouth in Canggu, South Bali.

And the result? Well, the water was a lot murkier at the mouth and definitely a lot dirtier. But the true results of toxicity, pH levels and micro-plastic will come when we send both of our water samples to the lab. More to come soon on Sungai Watch.


Tune in next Saturday for another episode of SUNGAI WATCH

Gary Bencheghib